




  1. The first author must be an accredited member of The Japanese Society of Medical Imaging (JSMI). Each non-member coauthor must make payment of an amount equivalent to the annual fee. The total number of authors must not exceed twelve.
  2. The manuscript should include topics in the field of diagnostic imaging and its related sciences, and fit into one of the following categories:
    1. (1) A report on original research with a definite aim and conclusive results leading to the advancement of medical imaging science.
    2. (2) Work-in-progress. A report on original research in progress. While authors must accompany their report with a written justification of the need for urgent publication a final decision rests with the editorial board.
    3. (3) Case reports. Description of a single or small number of cases with unique features for imaging science.
    4. (4) Technical reports: on techniques and equipment related to medical imaging.
    5. (5) Reviews: of recent articles and books on diagnostic imaging: usually at the request of the editorial board.
    6. (6) Correspondence: on previously published articles.
      Editorial limitations on number of pages and figures are as follows:
    7.   Number of pages Number of figures
      Original researches 8 20
      Work-in-progress 5 10
      Case reports 8 10
      Technical reports 5 10
      Reviews 8 20
      Correspondence 2  
  3. Original researches, work-in-progress, case reports, and technical reports must not have been previously published, and must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  4. Manuscripts reporting information obtained from patients must include a statement of assurance in the methods section that: (1) informed consent was obtained from each patient and (2) the study protocol conforms to the ethical guidelines of the 1975 Declaration of Helsinki a reflected in ethical guidelines governing such research in the institution where the research took place. The use of animals in research reports must also be accompanied by a statement of reassurance that their use was properly controlled under guidelines laid down by the institution where the research took place.
  5. Printed papers become the permanent property of the Japanese Journal of Diagnostic Imaging and should not be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission from both the author and publisher.
  6. Submitted manuscript should be arranged follows:
    1. (1) All contribution should be written in English. An original (CD-R) and two copies (three complete sets including figures in glossy prints and tables) should be mailed.
    2. (2) The manuscript should be typed with a word processor (including title, authors names, and affiliations).
    3. (3) Figures (photographs) and tables should be separate from the text, and a note made of where they are to be inserted in the manuscript. Illustrations and sharp, glossy black and white prints should be no larger than 13 × 18 cm (51/8 ×71/8 inches). The full cost of reproducing color photographs will be charged to the authors. Each figure should be identified clearly on the back with its number and an arrow indication orientation. Each table should be identified clearly on the back with it number. Legend should be typed on separate sheet.
    4. (4) The use or SI units is encouraged. However, in case of description of laws concerning prevention of physical damage, use of units characteristic to the law is permitted.
    5. (5) Manuscript form Caver page: title, type of article authors names, affiliation (name of department and institution, address telephone and facsimile number and e-mail address). Title, authors names (give qualification; e, g.....MD, PhD), key words, address for reprints. Abstract (including objective, materials and methods, results and conclusion)
      Manuscript preparation
      References (in order in text)
      Figures (photographs) and legends
    6. (6) References Each references should include the following: number (in the order cited in the text), authors’ names (for more than 7 authors, please list only the first 3 and add et al.), title of article, journal name, year of publication, volume number, and first and last pages. In the case of books, it should include the following: authors’ names, title, editors’ names, publishing company, publishing city and year of publication. Journal titles should be abbreviated according to the Index Medicus. Example:
      1. [1] Lee S and Chew FS. Radiology in the emergency department: Technique for quantitative description of use and results. ARL 1988; 171: 559-564
      2. [2] Drucker EA, Rivitz SM, Shepard J-AO, et al. Acute pulmonary embolism: Assessment of helical CT for diagnosis. Radiology 1988; 209: 235-241
      3. [3] Weill FS. Anatomical guide to ultrasonic exploration of upper abdomen: echoangiography. In: Weill FS, ed. Ultrasonography of digestive diseases (second edition). Mosby ST. Louis, 1982; 39-68
    7. (7) Key words Provide 3 to 5 key words that assist in cross-indexing the article and select suitable words for indexing.
  7. Printing charge
    For the manuscripts of less than 10 pages, there is no printing charge.
  8. Off prints
    Off-prints will be provided on request at the author’s expense.
  9. Manuscript for publication should be sent to: The Japanese Society of Medical Imaging. Akasaka Residential 483, 9-1-7 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0052 Japan.